Behind The Scenes: SUPERMAN

Welcome to another Last Movie Outpost column taking you behind the scenes of a beloved movie. Last time we talked Predator. This time, from the archives and from Outposter MacLeod,…

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PREDATOR: Behind The Scenes

One of our most missed Outposters is an OG from North of the wall. MacLeod. He was a big fan of the Behind The Scenes article and created some great…

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SHOGUN Wins Big At “Hidden” Emmys

Ain't Hollywood magnificent? Swathes of it spend huge amounts of time lecturing people on things it has nothing to do with, about all sorts of principles, and then when you…

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GoldenEye was massive, Tomorrow Never Dies continued the run. The Brosnan Era was underway and already he was being referred to as "The Billion Dollar Bond". After the extended break…

Continue Reading Bond On: THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH


Sony Pictures has unveiled the first trailer Saturday Night. The Jason Reitman project, telling the story of the first broadcast of Saturday Night Live, will be released on October 11th.…

Continue Reading SATURDAY NIGHT Trailer Drops

TRAP Reviews Mixed

M. Night Shyamalan's Trap is about to spring.  Shyamalan is a curious beast of a filmmaker. His movies are always known for some kind of twist, however in my opinion…

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