Title: Friday’s Child Airdate: 12/01/1967 Plot Summary Friday's Child see's Kirk, Spock, Bones and deadshirt beam down to a planet that Bones has some prior experience with. The Capellans are…
Title: Friday’s Child Airdate: 12/01/1967 Plot Summary Friday's Child see's Kirk, Spock, Bones and deadshirt beam down to a planet that Bones has some prior experience with. The Capellans are…
Title: Journey To Babel Airdate: 11/17/1967 Plot Summary Journey To Babel starts with the Enterprise is transporting dignitaries to the planet Babel for an important peace conference. But a mysterious…
Guess who had to review Kraven? Yep, me. I wasn’t falling for that "Jessica really doesn’t want to be interviewed with you this time" crap from the guys. One of…
Late to the party, but I saw Gladiator 2 the other day. It’s not good. In fact, it’s terrible. As we know Gladiator is one of those perfect movies. You…
Title: Metamorphosis Airdate: 11/10/1967 Plot Summary Metamorphosis starts with Kirk, McCoy, Spock, and a federation commissioner, Nancy Hedford heading back to the Enterprise to treat her for a rare disease.…
Title: I, Mudd Airdate: 11/3/1967 Plot Summary Harry Mudd is discovered on a planet full of androids that cater to his every whim, including abducting the crew so he can…
The Savage is Loose (1974) is another movie starring George C. Scott where he did double-duty and manned the director’s chair. What did you get yourself into with this one,…
Title: Catspaw Airdate: 10/27/1967 Plot Summary Catspaw starts with Sulu, Scotty, and Jackson overdue on a planetary away mission, Jackson beams up dead and Sulu and Scotty are missing. Kirk,…
In the category of "hidden gems", I’m highly recommending Timestalker, a British comedy by Alice Lowe, who we will talk about later. Timestalker stars Lowe, Jacob Anderson, Nick Frost, Tanya…
To British people of a certain age, if you say Carry On, you think of silly comedies with Sid James, Kenneth Williams, and nearly seeing Bab Windsor's baps fall out…