The Enemy Within Airdate: 10/6/1966 Plot Summary Kirk is on the surface of a planet with a landing party when a crewman has a minor mishap and gets covered…
Title: The Naked Time Airdate: 9/29/1966 Plot Summary While investigating a space station outpost where all the people are inexplicably dead, the Enterprise also begins studying a planet that’s…
Title: Charlie X Airdate: 9/15/1966 Plot Summary The cargo vessel Antares drops off a 17 year old kid named Charlie that they found as the only survivor of a…
Airdate: 9/08/1966 The Man Trap - Plot Summary The Man Trap begins with McCoy, Kirk, and Darnell beaming down to a planet to make sure Professor Crater and his wife…
Welcome to our new series - Trek On. We boldly go where no man has gone before. I’m starting with the original series and going through the golden age of…
Just when you got over the execrable horror that was the musical episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, the powers that watch over Star Trek might be about to…
Three cadets have signed on for Star Trek: Starfleet Academy. They will join the already-announced Holly Hunter and Paul Giamatti. The new recruits are Kerrice Brooks (My Old Ass), Bella…