
Yancy’s Bangkok Style Go-Go Bar

Gentlemen, beloved shitposters, DC, it is time to flip the board. However, Pops is injured from an unfortunate digital paintbrush accident so we must now venture away from the Butthole Town Palace of Fine Arts and across to the wrong side of Brown Eye Park. The seedier side of town.

Here, running between the now-closed-down Quarlo’s Steel Mill and the questionable strip mall where you can find the always-deserted Secret Dojo, is the Butthole Town red light district, home to Yancy’s Bangkok Style Go-Go Bar.


So come on in to a place where everybody knows your name, the drinks are very reasonable, the girls are positively cheap, and at least one in four of them has that something “extra”. Colby’s Mom’s ping-pong show starts at 9pm sharp.


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Check back every day for movie news and reviews at the Last Movie Outpost