As we all know, Star Wars is dead and buried. This isn’t going to stop Disney from digging the corpse up and making it dance though. One of the Star Wars series that did seem to be mildly better than the others was Andor, season 2 has a trailer.
Was it me or was there a dance sequence in there? Season 2 sees the return of Andor, Bix, Luthen Rael and Mon Mothma. This time around though we see Krennic, K-2SO and Saw Gerrera join the cast.
Forgive me if I forget if they were in season 1. I did see it, but never returned it, it just wasn’t that interesting to me.
Andor is a prequel spin-off from a prequel to Star Wars. Originally in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, we follow Andor and Jyn steal the plans of the Death Star.
In the game, Star Wars: Jedi Knight, it was Kyle Katarn that stole the plans, but who cares about canon?
Andor season one had mixed reviews, some loving it, some hating, but most of the reaction was lukewarm. It keeps saying that the series was ‘critically acclaimed’, but that’s pushing it a bit.
Adria Arjona, who plays Bix, and is hotter than a toasted crumpet straight from the toaster, said about season two:
“Oh man, when I read season one, I pinched myself, and when I started reading season two, I was like, ‘[Tony Gilroy] can’t outdo [season one].’ So I started reading episode one, and I was again like, ‘It’s not going to be as good.’ But it’s f**king better. It’s so much better. It is. What he has crafted and created is mind-blowing, and I can’t believe I got to be a part of it.”
“I have Tony Gilroy on speed dial. I don’t think that man gets bothered by anybody else but me. I’m like, ‘Hey, Tony, do you think I should do this? Hey, Tony, how are you?’ And he’s like, ‘You’re calling again?’ (Laughs.) I just have so much respect for him. He’s so talented, and he really outdid himself for season two.“
Where can you take a character like Andor, when you know he’s going to *spoilers* die? There’s no threat, no worry, we all know he’s going to be fine. Same with Gerrera or Krennic.
Andor Season 2 will be streaming on the 22nd of April. Not sure I can bring myself to review it.