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Warner Bros. continues its mission to leverage every single part of its IP. Harry Potter is rebooted for television. The new DCU kicks off in the summer with Superman. Now...
Leigh Whannel’s reinvention of Wolf Man drops for Universal tomorrow, January 17th, and the reviews are now in. Unfortunately, they aren’t great. As of the time of writing this morning...
Daredevil: Born Again has had an interesting path to the screen. The Netflix show was some of the most effective live-action Marvel TV there has been, way ahead of Disney+...
I’m going to label this under “If you laugh, you’re going to hell” since I laughed and I know I’m going to hell. In fact, knowing that some of you...
Title: Return To Tomorrow Airdate: 2/9/1968 Plot Summary In Return To Tomorrow the Enterprise investigates an odd signal to a dead planet where they are greeted by Sargon, a disembodied...
I don’t know what I did wrong in a previous life, but it’s certainly being paid back in this life. Guess who had to review The Lord of the Rings:...
Last year was a bad year for gaming. The Sweet Baby Inc. issue exploded in the industry’s face, as gamers declared “enough”, and then there was Suicide Squad: Kill The...
I have no idea where this came from, but I found a documentary called A Clockwork Shining: Kubrick’s Odyssey Part 3 recently. All I saw was that it was another...
Has the enduring mystery of Jack The Ripper finally been solved? Has his identity finally been revealed? And why are we writing about this on a movie and entertainment website?...
Last summer a number of women came forward and accused author Neil Gaiman of sexual assault. Gaiman, 64, is the author behind works such as The Sandman, American Gods and...
A Cold Night’s Death is a made-for-TV horror movie that aired January 30, 1973 on ABC. How does A Cold Night’s Death compare to other made-for-TV horror movies like The Intruder Within, Midnight Offerings, Curse...
Title: A Private Little War Airdate: 2/2/1968 Plot Summary A Private Little War follows Kirk, Spock, and McCoy investigating a planet Kirk had visited years ago. They find that weapons...
The situation in Los Angeles remains fluid. When we discussed the fires last week, and their impact on the Oscar nominations, the recriminations were flying. If anything, that situation has...
Really? Really? Right now we have to file this one under “We Will Believe It When We See It”, but this is Hollywood, so there are no guarantees of sanity...
Mhatt returns once again with Oscar Watcher. He is doing the Lord’s work, watching his way through this year’s many awards contenders so you can decide to invest your time…...
Sorry about the quiet last week, and the lack of Monday Movie Memes. It’s been an odd start to 2025 so far. We had a new look for the site...
US network television is hilarious. Nobody is quite sure who still watches it, but it is basically a reality show, followed by a crime procedural, followed by a reality show...
Filmmaker Paul Feig has been forced to deny some online rumors about the sequel to his acclaimed dark comedy A Simple Favor. The rumor was that Amazon had delayed it...
Something weird happened with The Flash. It got a rapturous reception from test screenings. It scored top marks at a cinema owners convention. Even Tom Cruise said it was a...
This week’s confession booth makes me feel old. I don’t want to sound like Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino, but I’m starting to hate everything and everyone as I get...
More News
Warner Bros. continues its mission to leverage every single part of its IP. Harry Potter is rebooted for television. The...
Leigh Whannel’s reinvention of Wolf Man drops for Universal tomorrow, January 17th, and the reviews are now in. Unfortunately, they...
Daredevil: Born Again has had an interesting path to the screen. The Netflix show was some of the most effective...
I’m going to label this under “If you laugh, you’re going to hell” since I laughed and I know I’m...
Title: Return To Tomorrow Airdate: 2/9/1968 Plot Summary In Return To Tomorrow the Enterprise investigates an odd signal to a...
I don’t know what I did wrong in a previous life, but it’s certainly being paid back in this life...
Last year was a bad year for gaming. The Sweet Baby Inc. issue exploded in the industry’s face, as gamers...
I have no idea where this came from, but I found a documentary called A Clockwork Shining: Kubrick’s Odyssey Part...
Has the enduring mystery of Jack The Ripper finally been solved? Has his identity finally been revealed? And why are...
Last summer a number of women came forward and accused author Neil Gaiman of sexual assault. Gaiman, 64, is the...