Movie Meme Monday …And Moan

I actually look forward to Mondays now. The weekend is over, it’s back to work, and there are new memes from the Last Movie Outpost. OK, the work thing is a bummer, but memes, they help out, right?

Look, we’re doing our best here, just go with it.

We gave you some ideas of what to watch this weekend, what did you end up seeing? I hit two ends of the entertainment scale.

Big Man Japan (2007)

I like memes and odd movies, and this was one of the most odd movies I’ve ever seen. I got it from the Horror Greats on Shudder, it was a Japanese classic.

It’s a mockumentary following Masaru, who seems like an ordinary man. However, when he gets his nipples hooked up to a massive electrical current, he becomes a giant man who fights monsters in Japan.

It was the monsters that first interested me, I had seen some in memes, but in the end, I had a whale of time with it. In fact, the last 10 minutes is the most entertaining thing I’ve seen in years.

The entire thing was interesting, but then the end, it was pure, unadultated entertainment. If you have seen it, you know, if not, I would go and find it. Here’s the end on YouTube.

Picture This (2025)

Did I watch this for Simone Ashley? Yes, yes I did. I didn’t even watch this with Mrs Boba Phil.

It was a sweet rom-com and I had time while working, so I put it on. It did make a decent change and it was fairly funny. It’s a good date movie, as she can enjoy the rom-com and you can ogle Simone.

My favourite bit of the movie was when she said she couldn’t get a boyfriend. She is stunning.

Imagine her not getting a partner when she’s 11 out of 10, what chance do us 2.5 out of 10s have? If she’s into memes, I might stand a chance.

Anyway, here are your Monday Memes and you can have a moan about what you had to endure this weekend.

Check back every day for movie news and reviews at the Last Movie Outpost





