Masterpiece Theater: THE GATES OF HELL (1980)

Masterpiece Theater: THE GATES OF HELL (1980)

Guest contributor, the mysterious DwC, returns once more with another edition of Masterpiece Theater. Once more he will plumb the hidden depths of cinema to find you something many others may have missed in some infamously dismissed movies from our past. This time, he...
Masterpiece Theater: PIECES (1982)

Masterpiece Theater: PIECES (1982)

Guest contributor DwC returns once more with another edition of Masterpiece Theater. This time he delves into a Juan Piquer Simon-directed effort, starring Christopher George and Linda Day George, written by Dick Randall and Robert Loyola. He will find the hidden...
Masterpiece Theater: INVASION USA (1985)

Masterpiece Theater: INVASION USA (1985)

The mysterious DwC walks among you all, down there, in the Disqus. Meanwhile, he plumbs the hidden depths so his fellow Outposters don’t have to, seeking never before appreciated nuance and creative excellence where it may have been previously overlooked for...
Masterpiece Theater: BURIAL GROUND

Masterpiece Theater: BURIAL GROUND

The mysterious DwC returns. Clearly, some kind of cinema scholar lurking among us, with a level of insight and appreciation beyond mortal man. He (we assume his gender!) has sent us another high-brow waltz through an unsung classic of yesteryear for our enjoyment...