Another FEAR STREET Movie On The Way

Another FEAR STREET Movie On The Way

The Fear Street movies, Part 1: 1994, Part 2: 1978, and Part 3: 1666 were a hit on Netflix. Personally, I thought they were hilariously bad, but there’s no accounting for taste. After the trilogy of movies from 2021, a new Fear Street is on the way, entitled Fear...
The Lost JAWS 2

The Lost JAWS 2

We can’t deny it anymore, we really are in something of a Jaws season here at the Last Movie Outpost. In the last month we talked about why Jaws is just better than all other shark movies. We argued about an unpopular movie opinion about Jaws 3D, and we also...


A chilling opening crawl thrusts us headlong into another made-for-TV horror movie. Satan’s Triangle aired on January 14th, 1975 on ABC. Within the last thirty years just off the east coast of the United States more than a thousand men, women and children have...
Why Is JAWS Just Better?

Why Is JAWS Just Better?

In 2020, close to the very start of our journey to build this community for you, our beloved Outposters, the Last Movie Outpost took a poll of our readers to determine the Top 150 movies of all time, in their opinion. Many votes were cast, the results were tabulated,...
An Unpopular Movie Opinion

An Unpopular Movie Opinion

We might make this a regular feature here at Last Movie Outpost, An Unpopular Movie Opinion. Where Outposters can attempt to defend the indefensible, and the rest of us can argue about it. I get to go first, because I missed the meeting where we voted on it. The plan...