THE GREAT DEBATE: Is Every Franchise Done?

THE GREAT DEBATE: Is Every Franchise Done?

The strange suicide of the whole of Western Civilisation is curious and troubling to those of us living through it. Nowhere is more emblematic of this self-imposed collapse than current year Hollywood. Look at it. I mean, just look at it. In the whole of human...
THE GREAT DEBATE: Is Every Franchise Done?

The Great Debate Gets A Remake!

January is over. Spring will be here soon. As the seasons change, so our moods. However, as Outposters, we will always be in the mood to argue about movies. So The Great Debate returns once more, and the hallowed halls of the Outpost will echo to the sound of Eggy...
THE GREAT DEBATE: Is Every Franchise Done?

The Great Debate: Underrated Actors

Can you believe we are already in the home stretch of January, dear Outposters? This horrible month of abstinence and regret and post-Xmas lack of funds and abundance of depression will soon be over and we can start looking forward to Easter, then a summer movie...
THE GREAT DEBATE: Is Every Franchise Done?


It’s January. It is still cold and wet in the Northern Hemisphere, or punishingly hot down under, only now you don’t have Christmas to look forward to. Just drudgery until the evenings lighten up and you get paid again. No wonder that divorce rates in...
THE GREAT DEBATE: Is Every Franchise Done?


The halls of the Outpost once more echo to the sound of… well, arguments! The Great Debate returns to challenge our Outposters with an important cinematic or televisual conundrum of our time. Do you have an idea for a debate? A topic you would like to put to...