Ahhh, the 80s. What a time to grow up! What tremendous pop culture to immerse ourselves in. If you are an Outposter of a certain age, back then network television was simply an absolute treasure trove of childhood excellence. From Knight Rider to The A-Team, Airwolf to Street Hawk, Automan to Manimal. BJ And The Bear, Magnum, CHiPs. We didn’t care if it was canceled after half a season, we would still be there for the re-runs.

One staple of the era was an intro that gave you all the background you needed even if you were jumping in for the first time, mid-season. It also enabled the cold open. It is something that feels lost in the mists of television time.
Fear not… as the comic geniuses and all-around good eggs that are the Auralnauts have resurrected this art and applied it to some of today’s biggest streaming shows. What would Ahsoka look like with an 80s-style intro….? (cue wibbly-wobbly imagination effects)
If you are not familiar with their work, check out their YouTube channel right here. Prepare to chuckle heartily while also marveling at the sheer effort they put into their cuts.
This amused Eggy this morning when he really should have been doing some real-world work, whatever the f*ck it is he actually does when he’s not here with us. He shared it with us, and now we share it with you, our beloved Outposters.
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