
Critics Rank Work Of RIDLEY SCOTT

A prolific, long-serving, long-standing director of legendary works, Ridley Scott still works pretty much full-time today. It is no exaggeration to say that Napoleon is one of our most anticipated movies here at Last Movie Outpost. His filmography is long, and varied. Now a group of 120 critics, including from online outlets, have got together and taken part in a new poll to decide on Ridley Scott’s best films.

We weren’t invited. We are not allowed to mix with other critics until we can learn to stop biting them.

The poll was organized by the rather excellent people at World of Reel and the results are in. There are no surprises at the top. It is from 3rd place down that things get a bit interesting.


Director’s cuts could not be voted on, which probably explains why Kingdom of Heaven doesn’t come higher. The Director’s Cut proves Scott’s vision was superior to the studio. Here is the top 20.

1) Alien — 91 votes
2) Blade Runner — 85
3) Thelma and Louise — 66
4) The Martian — 44
5) Gladiator — 41
6) Black Hawk Down — 27
7) The Duellists — 24
8) The Last Duel — 18
9) The Counselor — 16
10) Tied – Matchstick Men — 12
10) Tied – American Gangster — 12

12) Kingdom of Heaven — 10
13) Prometheus — 9
14) Black Rain — 5
14) Hannibal — 5
16) GI Jane — 4
16) All the Money in the World — 4
18) Legend — 3
18) The House of Gucci — 3

Below this, movies like Exodus, White Squall, A Good Year, and the excellent Body Of Lies grabbed just one vote each. 2010’s Robin Hood didn’t get a single vote, not even for Russell Crowe’s Brummie accent.

I can see this list causing some debate.

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