
Gunn Talks Superhero Cameos

When setting up a cinematic universe, Easter eggs, cameos and dropped hints seem to be par for the course. For over a decade, Marvel had it pretty tight, with occasional glimpses and background comments, then usually a big cameo in an end credits stinger.

Lately, maybe, an argument could be made that both Marvel and the DCEU went too far and the cameos and Easter eggs became intrusive, and waiting for the credits stingers became a “thing” in themselves.

So will the new DCU be any different?

Metamorpho (Anthony Carrigan), Mister Terrific (Edi Gathegi), Guy Gardner (Nathan Fillon) and Hawkgirl (Isabela Mercad) all appear to some degree in the upcoming Superman: Legacy.


Gunn says this isn’t an array of cameos, and it’s about building out a universe. In a recent post on Threads, he said:

“I call that ‘Cameo Porn’ and it has been one of the worst elements of recent superhero films. If a character is in film, they have to have a reason to be there story-wise. I don’t mind actual cameos – if it’s a glimpse or a moment, an Easter egg. What bothers me is when they mangle an elegant story by shoehorning characters in – they aren’t there because the story calls for it, but for some other reason.”

This could be good news, as most of us still haven’t figured out what the actual fudge those cameos at the end of The Eternals were all about.

Superman: Legacy is set to open in theaters July 11th 2025.

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