Movie Meme Monday

Yes, another Monday dawns on us, like a turd that won’t flush. You flush and you flush, but it just won’t go. In the end you have to get a coat hanger and mash it up. You end up flicking it around all over the place and you know you won’t get a second date.

Never fear though, we at the Last Movie Outpost have an antidote to Monday, in the form of amusing memes from around the world. This week we have memes from America, and the UK, and two are even from New Zealand.

My favorite meme of the week is this one:

It’s not hugely funny, but Yoda didn’t get it. I had to explain that it’s a WhatsApp thing and he said he doesn’t use WhatsApp. I imagine it’s because he’s too old to install it. The last message I got from him was by carrier pigeon, a delicious plump-breasted pigeon.

There are some crackers in this Monday’s memes, so share them, via WhatsApp or, like Yoda, print them out, roll them up, and put them in that little attachment pigeons have on their legs.

Feel free to share your own memes. I say your own, we all know we all steal them from someone else. I haven’t made a meme since 1987, a full 14 years before they were invented.

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