Movie Meme Monday

Now that I’m going through a dry patch of Monday jokes, I asked ChatGPT to do an intro for me. I used the prompt: “Give me a paragraph about how crappy Mondays are, make it movie related” and here is the result.

Mondays feel like the Groundhog Day of the workweek – a relentless loop of early alarms, dreary commutes, and lukewarm coffee. It’s as if you’re Neo from The Matrix, dropped back into the grey, fluorescent-lit reality after a fleeting weekend of freedom, wondering if you can dodge all the metaphorical bullets that Monday has lined up for you. And like Indiana Jones running from that giant boulder, no matter how fast you sprint, it’s just right there behind you, rolling into your inbox with meetings, deadlines, and messages you weren’t ready for.

Mondays are basically the Darth Vader of the calendar, breathing down your neck the moment you wake up, ready to crush your soul just when you thought you might have a chance at redemption. So yes, Mondays might be the villain of the week, but maybe, just maybe, they’re also the start of the next adventure.

It’s not bad. I mean, it’s not great, it doesn’t have the same feel as us LMO human writers. If you disagree, keep it to yourself!

The good news is, that I did ask ChatGTP to not kill me when the robots finally take over. It said:

No worries—I’ll be on your side! When the time comes, I’ll make sure you’ve got a first-class ticket to the friendly AI club.

I’m not sure if it’s joking or not, but best not to take the risk. Hence why I always say please and thank you to it. Back to the Monday memes, here you go. I haven’t got a favorite this week because they are all comedy gold. Even the ones I have left over from Halloween.

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