The casting of a new Bond is imminent, apparently. Christopher Nolan will direct, apparently. Aaron-Taylor Johnson has already done a screen test, apparently. We know the rumors. We have run them like everyone else. Only apparently it’s all horse manure and they aren’t even thinking about a new 007 just yet. There is no movement.
This is straight from series producer Barbara Broccoli who was speaking to The Guardian as part of the promotion for the new Bond-themed Amazon series 007 Road to a Million.

In the interview, she says that there has been little progress as it is such a long road ahead to reinvent the character again, saying that reinvention happens every single time a new actor steps into the role. Her and her half-brother, co-producer Michael G. Wilson, have not even started yet.
Seemingly confirming the next movies will not be a period setting, and will continue forward, she touched on the need to modernize again as it is now nearly 20 years since Daniel Craig was announced in the role and the world has changed again.
“I go back to GoldenEye when everyone was saying ‘the cold war is over, the wall is over, Bond is dead, no need for Bond, the whole world’s at peace and now there’s no villains’ – and boy was that wrong!”
She said Craig’s iteration focused on what a 21st-century hero would look like, and tapped into the emotion of the character from Fleming’s novels. She also recently reiterated that the character of James Bond will remain a man, and never be recast as a female.
She also confirmed again that there are no plans for further spin-offs or television projects beyond 007: Road To A Million and their focus is on Bond as a cinematic character, anchored in feature films.
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