
Rocksteady Reverses SUICIDE SQUAD

Last year was a bad year for gaming. The Sweet Baby Inc. issue exploded in the industry’s face, as gamers declared “enough”, and then there was Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League.

The game was a high profile disaster. It got terrible reviews, cost Rocksteady jobs, and made Warner Bros. Take a $200 million hit.

The game was held up as everything that was wrong with the gaming industry of the mid 2020s, infested with people more interested in agendas that curating a great experience.


Well, nature is starting to heal all over the place, and that includes with Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League.

In an epic reverse, Rocksteady Games released the final content update yesterday and it basically erases what was held up as the biggest mistake of the game.

*Spoiler Warning*

The game did exactly what the title suggested, and killed off all the main members of the Justice League.

The new content provides a two minute sequence at the end of the game, taking place after the final battle with Braniac.

The sequence reveals that all of the heroes killed off in the game were actually clones and they are all actually alive, being held prisoner. Wonder Woman is the only DC hero who remains dead.

Superman, Batman, Green Lantern and Flash are all OK.

Ahhhh comic book heroes. Nobody is ever really gone.

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