Title: Court Martial Airdate: 02/2/1967 Plot Summary After an ion storm, a crewman is killed. Kirk is put on trial
Title: Court Martial Airdate: 02/2/1967 Plot Summary After an ion storm, a crewman is killed. Kirk is put on trial
Title: Tomorrow Is Yesterday Airdate: 01/26/1967 Plot Summary After an accident, the Enterprise ends up in 1967 earth. Kirk and
Title: Arena Airdate: 01/19/1967 Plot Summary Kirk and company beam down to a colony only to find it totally destroyed.
Title: The Squire Of Gothos Airdate: 01/12/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise is waylaid by a being of unimaginable power who
Title: The Galileo Seven Airdate: 01/05/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise loses several crewman including some who are listed on the
Title: Shore Leave Airdate: 12/29/1966 Plot Summary The Enterprise finds an idyllic planet for a weary crew needing some rest
Title: Balance Of Terror Airdate: 12/15/1966 Plot Summary The Enterprise is alerted to an attack on a border outpost in
Title: The Conscience of the King Airdate: 12/8/1966 Plot Summary A Shakespearian troupe boards the Enterprise which might be hiding
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