Once more the halls of Last Movie Outpost will echo with the sounds of… well… shouting, really. Who doesn’t love a lively and spirited debate? The Great Debate returns and this time you will be displaying your movie genius in service of Hollywood.
Hollywood. The only town where you can fail upwards, repeatedly. Big mistakes, huge cock-ups, total and abject failure. None of these things seem to be able to derail the careers of some of the biggest names behind the scenes.
From Jon Peter’s giant spider obsession to Amy Pascal and anything connected to Spider-Man when left to her own devices, even leaked e-mails can’t keep these people down.

Sometimes their mistakes are comically legion – like SPUMPC – other times they would have been imminently fixable if only somebody had said “No!” to maybe just one thing.
And this, dear Outposter, is the subject of today’s debate:
What movies could you, in your incredible and boundless movie wisdom, pretty much fix in a single move, and how?
A character deletion, the closure of a plot hole? One different creative choice? For example – completely remove Lois’ new relationship and the kid from Superman Returns and… just like that… the movie really works!
Over to you. If you were the producer, what notes would you have been sending to the production?
Here is where your fellow Outposters to tell you that it is nonsense, and the movie you think you have fixed is irredeemable. Outposters… to war!