
The LMO Christmas OPEN THREAD 2024

To paraphrase the immortal Cliff Richard:

“Christmas time. Shit movies and whine!”

It is that time of year again. Christmas can be fantastic. It can also be a bit shit. You might be surrounded by friends and family, you might now be thoroughly sick of the sight of them, and just want to shitpost with your fellow Outposters after a whole day of family nonsense.


You might be spending Christmas enjoying your own company. You might be thinking “Bah Humbug” about the whole thing, or joining us from part of the world or a belief system that doesn’t celebrate this holiday.

Whatever your boggle, your buddies at Last Movie Outpost have got your back.

Escape from cold cuts of turkey and truly terrible Christmas Day television to chat shit our traditional Open Thread. As usual, anything goes, jokes, memes, conversation… just keep it (broadly) civil and no pile-ons, after all, it is Christmas and you don’t want to make the baby Jesus sad on his birthday, do you? So nothing illegal, and no touching anyone’s no-no square.

What is also kinda traditional is that long-time lurkers sometimes use this thread to emerge and say “Hi!”, or that Outposters who maybe don’t participate too much in the cut and thrust of Disqus remind us that they are still around. So you do your thing. Just don’t do anyone else’s thing, I ain’t cleaning that up… again.

Merry Christmas you filthy animals!

Merry Christmas


Check back every day for movie news and reviews at the Last Movie Outpost





