DOCTOR WHO Episode One Review

DOCTOR WHO Episode One Review

Doctor Who is a sci-fi institution. The series is officially, according to the organization behind Guinness World Records, the longest-running science-fiction television series in the world, and the most successful science-fiction series of all time, based on its...
Retro Review: REVENGE OF THE NINJA (1983)

Retro Review: REVENGE OF THE NINJA (1983)

When The Last Movie Outpost blew up a while back, many articles were lost. This was one of them. It is time to resurrect a Retro Review of Revenge of the Ninja! Does your existence feel limp? Do you look in the mirror and measure what-is with what-could-have-been and...
Retro Review: KILLDOZER! (1974)

Retro Review: KILLDOZER! (1974)

Even though Killdozer! is a 1974 made-for-TV move, it sports the Universal logo. This is appropriate, as Killdozer! is basically Jaws but with a bulldozer instead of a shark. Throw in shoulder-padded Lorraine Gary (not kerchief Lorraine Gary) and you wouldn’t know the...


There’s a new French horror on Netflix called Infested (Vermines in French) and who doesn’t love a good spider movie? I’m fond of spiders. Back in the day, I had terrible arachnophobia, to the point where I would freeze with fear. I decided to overcome this fear by...
BLAIR WITCH Cast Want Paying

BLAIR WITCH Cast Want Paying

The Blair Witch Project was an absolute phenomenon. It kickstarted the found footage genre, and with a tiny budget, its $250 million box office take makes it one of the most profitable movies of all time. The studio that owns it, Lionsgate, has recently announced a...