Bryan Singer Documentary About Himself

At one point, Bryan Singer was on top of the world. He had movies like The Usual Suspects, four of the X-Men movies and Superman Returns under his belt. And to be fair, he did make a damn good movie. That all ended when details came out about allegations of sexual misconduct.

He is looking to relaunch his career, and his first project is a documentary about the allegations of sexual abuse made against him. Variety has reported that the documentary will be about the director and “his struggles”. The pitch for the movie, which was described as “impressive”, will address the allegations and how he is attempting to relaunch his career.

He also has three other projects on the go. They are set in and around Israel, where he has been living for the past few years. I guess living in Israel at least he won’t bump into any Americans.


Singer never faced any criminal charges, he was the subject to allegations of sexual misconduct, as early back as 1997. While on the set of Apt Pupil, several teenage boys claimed they were ordered to strip for a shower scene, alleging it was for sexual gratification.

Since then, Singer has had sexual other cases brought against him. These include allegations of drugging and sexual assault of underage boys. He also gained a reputation for unprofessional behaviour on set, which led to his being fired from Bohemian Rhapsody. He was also set to direct a Red Sonja reboot but was eventually dropped.

The problem with Singer making a documentary about himself is that, going into a documentary, the person making it should have an open mind as to what the conclusion will be. If you go into it, with a predetermined outcome, then the entire argument will be one-sided. If someone else was making it, it might have been more interesting to see.

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