Retro Review: The MAD MAX Trilogy

Retro Review: The MAD MAX Trilogy

A while back I posted my Top 10 Movie Trilogies and even though it was well received, the big question (apart from why the fuck was Lord Of The Rings at number 9) was, where in tarnation was the Mad Max trilogy?! Truth be told, I’ve never really cared for the...
Retro Review: THE MEAN SEASON (1985)

Retro Review: THE MEAN SEASON (1985)

In the vast landscape of cinematic thrillers, it’s easy to over look some, even if they have good storytelling, suspenseful sequences, and powerful performances. The Mean Season is easily an underappreciated gem that stands tall among its contemporaries for its...
Retro Review: THE VOICES (2014)

Retro Review: THE VOICES (2014)

Ryan Reynolds is a charming Mister Falcon…even when he plays a serial killer. Ryan Reynolds was in a weird place in 2014. One could tell the guy had something special when he appeared on Two Guys, A Girl and a Pizza Place (1998). He finally proved his worth to genre...


The Art of Self Defense is one of those “literally me” movies written about in this Last Movie Outpost article. It starts out as a cringe comedy about an awkward man in awkward social situations. It doesn’t necessarily toe that line, however. For this reason, we will...
Re-Review: BARBIE

Re-Review: BARBIE

The season of Barbie is over. The juxtaposition dream of a one-two punch at the theater of a whimsical movie based on the most popular doll of all time and a serious movie about the man who invented the atomic bomb has passed. Margot Robbie defaulted back to the girl...