Film Club: USED CARS

Film Club: USED CARS

Outposters, welcome back to Film Club. This week, Used Cars won and unfortunately due to real-life work commitments from the contributors, only myself and Shawn B managed to find the time to watch and review it this week. This either means we are not busy enough with...
Retro Review: BIG JAKE (1971)

Retro Review: BIG JAKE (1971)

Is it Christmas already? It feels like Christmas. That is because we are full of good tidings, peace on Earth, and goodwill to all men. What could possibly make us feel this way? Why… It’s another Outposter contribution, that’s what! We love an...
New “Woke” Bond Novel Savaged

New “Woke” Bond Novel Savaged

You know we love a bit of Bondage here at Last Movie Outpost. We covered all the original Fleming novels, plus quite a few of the continuation novels, on the last version of our website. We are currently working our way through the movies. Last time around we tackled...
Retro Review: THE BOUNTY 1984

Retro Review: THE BOUNTY 1984

Man, who else is tired of endless Hollywood remakes of older properties? I know I am. They can’t do anything original anymore. It’s really getting old really fast for everyone. So I thought today we could just talk about another 1980s classic instead. The Bounty from...
Streaming Review: BONES AND ALL

Streaming Review: BONES AND ALL

Bones And All feels like someone took inspiration from the Twilight franchise. The central idea is to replace vampires with ghouls and replace light teenage romantic fantasy with heavy teenage romantic cannibalism. Unsurprisingly, the movie underperformed, except with...
Streaming Review: BARBIE

Streaming Review: BARBIE

I wasn’t going to see Barbie in the cinema. I usually go to the cinema on my own and, if I did this with Barbie, I imagined I would have been beaten up in the car park by blue-haired women wearing dungarees and Dr Martin’s boots. In the privacy of my own home, I...