George Clooney has just proved himself to be a real-life hero and inspiration to all by revealing that he directed parts of his new film, The Boys In The Boat from his bed having contracted COVID (flu).
Speaking to People Magazine, George Clooney, (who believes that vaccines should be mandatory) caught COVID even though his guy Joe Biden said people would not get COVID if they were vaccinated. Weird.
Anyway, like the trooper Lil’ Georgie C is, he soldiered on because his art comes first darling. He told People Magazine:
“I was really sick. It was my first time getting Covid. I’m on an iPad hacking away from my bedroom. Grant was sitting on the camera and they’d hold up the iPad to Cal and I’d go, ‘Ah, go fast.’ I’d rasp out ‘Faster’ whatever that was.”

The Super Spreader Event
The real-life Batman believes an “intimate dinner” with cast members from The Boys In The Boat, is where he and 17 others caught the coov even though they were all “tested and vaccinated”.
He said:
“We all landed in London. We’re going to shoot the next day. And so we have a tiny dinner for the crew. Meaning the rowers, our kids, and (stars) Hadley (Robinson), Courtney (Henggeler), Joel (Edgerton) and me. That’s it. A tiny room. And out of that tiny room, let’s say there were 18 people there, 17 people got Covid.”
Joel Edgerton was the first to get covid with the others dropping all around him. All except Callum Turner and some dude called Grant. Callum took it all in his stride:
“Yeah, everyone one by one went down around me. It was only me and Grant that didn’t get it for some reason. It was funny. George on his iPhone directing in his dressing gown from somewhere.”
On a personal note, I want to take this opportunity to recognize George’s commitment to battle through this to give the world another of his sure-to-be riveting movies. As for Callum, he also deserves a special mention for his fearlessness to laugh in the face of certain death and come away unscathed.
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