Images from Snyder’s REBEL MOON

Zack Snyder is one of those directors that you either love or hate. There is no denying that his work is visually stunning, but his scripts aren’t the same.

His newest movie, Rebel Moon, is deep into production. He has recently released some images of the set and cast. He was in the middle of filming a gunfight in a ‘bar’ of some description. Above the set was a set of pipes and electrics, raining mud onto the cast.

According to Variety, it looks like the movie will be split in two, with a budget of about $166 mill for both movies. The first part will be streaming on Netflix on 22nd Dec this year. Snyder was asked about the second part would be out:

“It won’t be long after. Netflix can do things that a traditional studio can’t do as far as how close together the movies are released.”

Snyder also confirmed that there will be a ‘family friendly’ version, followed by a version aimed more at adults. So one version will be 3 hours, and the next version will be 27 hours, mostly slow motion.

Rebel Moon boasts an impressive cast, Sofia Boutella, Charlie Hunnam, Anthony Hopkins, Jena Malone, Cary Elwes, Corey Stoll, Djimon Housou, Michiel Huisman, Ed Skrein, Stuart Martin, Cleopatra, Bae Doona, Alfsonso and Ray Fisher.

Snyder is directing but he is also writing, which is a little worrying. We’ll all wait and see what Rebel Moon will be like.

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