LIVESTREAM: Musicals – Good or bad?

It’s been an odd week for the news, there’s plenty to talk about on the livestream, but the big question is about musicals. Are they making a comeback? Star Trek this week has had a musical episode. A24 has produced a movie called Dicks. Also, there looks like a musical version of The Warriors is getting a stage play.

Elsewhere in the news for the livestream, we talk about the Witcher and how it’s had to be dumbed down for Americans. Now that Henry Cavill has left because of ‘creative differences’ and season 3 has had some of the lowest ratings by viewers, is it the end of the show?

There is more superhero things to discuss. It looks like Wonder Woman 3 is happening, according to James Gunn. It looks like are having another go at Fantastic Four and Sue Storm maybe be cast. What would a Batfleck Batman movie have looked like?

Also on the livestream, talking of movies that could have been, Zack Snyder has been talking about Sucker Punch and the movie it should have been. He wanted to make a director’s cut.

You know when the livestream is on.

12pm CST – 6pm UK

Be there AND be square.

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