
New Year’s Day OPEN THREAD

Whether you spent last night shotgunning champagne until the wee small hours, standing in the cold and rain waiting for a fireworks display to start by a local landmark, or were tucked up in bed, happily asleep until your bastard neighbors started setting off fireworks at midnight, welcome to 2024… and welcome to the Last Movie Outpost New Years Day Open Thread.


Spend the morning after, and recover from your hangover, in the company of your fellow Outposters. Tell us what you did for New Year? What your resolutions are? Your hopes, your dreams, your fears! What will be the first movie or TV show you watch this year? Will you recover fast enough to break out the beers later, or are you back at work tomorrow?

Usual rules apply, just about anything goes as long as it’s not illegal and nobody gets injured.

Now, go grab the Alka-Seltzer (other pharmaceuticals are available) and a second coffee and settle in for some shitposting.



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Check back every day for movie news and reviews at the Last Movie Outpost





