When the old version of the website had its... ahem... issue, there were tears over some of our lost work. Now, Xenu be praised! For we have some back, like…

Continue Reading HOLLYWOOD HISTORY: Batmania


I had to double-check what Thunderbolts was. When I first saw this story, I thought it was a sequel to Black Widow, but that couldn’t be the case, not even…

Continue Reading Pugh On The Set Of THUNDERBOLTS

An Unpopular Movie Opinion

We might make this a regular feature here at Last Movie Outpost, An Unpopular Movie Opinion. Where Outposters can attempt to defend the indefensible, and the rest of us can…

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Is The Next SPIDER-MAN Spinning Up?

The future of the Spider-Man franchise was a little uncertain. The Marvel Studios and Sony collaboration feels a bit like Ross and Rachel from Friends, Marvel have their own issues…

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Cavill’s MCU Entry Point Rumored

Henry Cavill has been long-rumored to be up for taking a place in the ongoing MCU. He has frequently been mentioned as a potential Captain Britain. Now a fairly surprising…

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