Title: The Apple Airdate: 10/13/1967 Plot Summary The Apple starts with Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Checkov, and a landing party beaming
Title: The Apple Airdate: 10/13/1967 Plot Summary The Apple starts with Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Checkov, and a landing party beaming
Title: Mirror, Mirror Airdate: 10/6/1967 Plot Summary Kirk, McCoy, Scotty, and Uhura have a transporter malfunction that sends them to
Title: The Changeling Airdate: 9/29/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise is investigating a system that was once teeming with life, now
Title: Who Mourns For Adonais? Airdate: 9/22/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise is grabbed by a giant hand in space, by
We’re back baby! Season 2 of Star Trek had declining ratings which is really a shame as that is what
Title: Operation: Annihilate! Airdate: 4/13/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise heads to Deneva where Kirk’s brother is stationed, hoping to prevent
Title: The City On The Edge Of Forever Airdate: 3/30/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise gets bucked around by time displacement
Title: The Alternative Factor Airdate: 3/30/1967 Plot Summary Erm… The universe blinks out of existence for an instant, then a
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