
Super Bowl Trailers

Last night, you crazy Americans watched millionaires play a game where players throw an egg-shaped ball or pick it up and run with it but for some reason or another, you call it Football. It’s not, so stop pretending otherwise.

Anyway, Taylor Swift won the game or something along those lines and 99% of people who live outside of America only cared because we got to see a load of trailers for the upcoming movies. You’ve seen the Deadpool 3 one already, and to save you the hassle of clicking on various articles, I’ve collated them all into one glorious article for you. Here goes!







Despicable Me 4







The Fall Guy






The Boys – Voight International



Kung Fu Panda 4



Monkey Man






Well, that’s about it Outposters. I’m looking forward to the new Apes movie, and The Fall Guy actually looks a lot better than I thought it did when I saw the first trailer. Other than those two, I will have another barren year from the offerings of Hollywood.


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Check back every day for movie news and reviews at the Last Movie Outpost