Title: Operation: Annihilate! Airdate: 4/13/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise heads to Deneva where Kirk’s brother is stationed, hoping to prevent mass hysteria that has affected other planets, on a path…
Title: Operation: Annihilate! Airdate: 4/13/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise heads to Deneva where Kirk’s brother is stationed, hoping to prevent mass hysteria that has affected other planets, on a path…
Title: The City On The Edge Of Forever Airdate: 3/30/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise gets bucked around by time displacement turbulence, causing Bones to accidentally inject himself with a full…
Title: The Alternative Factor Airdate: 3/30/1967 Plot Summary Erm... The universe blinks out of existence for an instant, then a dude with a weird beard shows up, then another one…
Title: Errand Of Mercy Airdate: 3/23/1967 Plot Summary War is imminent with the Klingons and the flashpoint is the peaceful planet of Organia. Kirk and Spock must defend the planet…
Title: The Devil In The Dark Airdate: 3/9/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise is called to help a mining colony that is getting attacked by a creature they discovered underground. Miners…
Title: This Side Of Paradise Airdate: 3/2/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise heads to a colony expecting to find a lot of dead colonists, thanks to Berthold rays that have bathed…
Title: A Taste Of Armageddon Airdate: 2/23/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise heads to Eminiar 7 to begin opening up diplomatic relations with the ambassador passenger they have, unaware they are…
Title: Space Seed Airdate: 2/16/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise finds a long lost sleeper ship with 72 genetically engineered superhumans from the 20th century. Their leader, Khan attempts to take…
Title: The Return Of The Archons Airdate: 02/9/1967 Plot Summary Sulu and Lieutenant O’Neil are taken by a seemingly primitive culture and turned into mindless zombies. Kirk and crew must…
Title: Court Martial Airdate: 02/2/1967 Plot Summary After an ion storm, a crewman is killed. Kirk is put on trial after questions of his death don’t quite add up. Kirk…