Let us enter the hallowed halls and get ready for a fight. Not of fists, guns or light sabres, but a fight of words, the most powerful weapon known to man. Well, apart from the Apache Gunship, that thing kicks bottom! So, let’s have a great debate.
I have just reviewed Apartment 7A, a prequel to Rosemary’s Baby. The movie itself was dull because you knew how it was going to end. It was set just before Rosemary’s Baby, so you knew how it had to end.
Since I was bored with the movie, I tried to think of any other prequels that actually worked. Even the Star Wars prequels didn’t work. You knew that Anakin was going to become Vader, you knew Old Ben was going to be OK, you knew how it was all going to end.

This got me thinking and I couldn’t think of anything that was a prequel that worked. Nothing sprang to my mind. All of the Star Wars prequel shows are stupid. X-Men: First Class again doesn’t really work. Monster University was fun but still didn’t need explaining.
Things like Solo, Cruella, Prometheus, Wonka, and Furiosa, all tried to explain the characters. But I didn’t want to know why Han called Chewie Chewie, how Willy met the Umpaloomps or how Furiosa lost her arm.
So, this week’s great debate is:
Is there a prequel that worked?
As a secondary debate topic, which prequel annoyed you the most? Movies like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is a prequel, but no one knew that at the time, but we exclude Temple of Doom because it’s good.
Things like Captain America: The First Avengers isn’t really a prequel, as it’s an origin story, it came out first, with a sequel moving on in time. I’m talking about things like The Phantom Menace or Apartment 7A. Movies that came out long after the original, but long before the main story.