Once more, the hallowed halls of Last Movie Outpost will ring with the sound of something other than my farts after that really questionable takeaway curry I had last night. I would seriously, seriously, give it a few minutes if I was you. From one bad ass, to the ultimate badass. Brace yourselves, this time the testosterone will flow, once I have retrieved the toilet paper from the ice box.

It says a lot about the state of modern cinema that, these days, there is frequently more pleasure to be had disappearing down a YouTube rabbit hole for a few hours, revisiting favorite scenes and sequences from enjoyable movies from the past than taking a chance on something new.
Whilst on one of these nostalgia safaris recently, this came up in my news feed, from all-time great actioner and seemingly underappreciated gem The Last Boy Scout. Tony Scott, Shane Black, Jole Silver, and Bruce Willis combine to deliver a movie chock full of sardonic one-liners and truly wonderful little scenes. Like this one:
I hadn’t seen this movie in a few years, and I was instantly reminded what a scene of absolute, complete, and total badassery this is. It’s about as “man” as a “man” moment can get in a movie. Such a great combination of middle-aged world-weariness, comedic timing, and serious skills that every man would aspire to, unless they live in a world of pilates and almond milk.
It is so badass, that it makes you start to think about going out and purchasing some new power tools.
So this set me thinking, and the topic of today’s Great Debate was born:
What is the most badass moment in action cinema?
From an Arnie one-liner, so a Sly snarl, what is the ultimate scene, the ultimate badass moment, that puts hairs on chests? There is only one way to settle this… with a massive f**king argument. Let’s go!
Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom again.