

Well, The Acolyte is here and has the first episodes online for all to view. At the Last Movie Outpost, we sometimes have to do things that we don’t like, like reviewing the latest Disney dog egg.

This time produced by Harvey Weinstein’s assistant, Leslye Headland.

Leslye Headlan
“My boss was a rapist!”

The Acolyte
stars a lot of strong, powerful independent woman, that don’t need no man and some horrible middle-aged white men, a few diversity hires, and Carrie-Anne Moss.

According to the burb, The Acolyte is a:

Star Wars series that takes viewers into a galaxy of shadowy secrets and emerging dark-side powers in the final days of the High Republic era.

So here we go with the review of the first episode.

I didn’t watch it!

I’m finally free, I can sit back, drink my sea whale titty juice and not care anymore. What did you think of the first episode?


Check back every day for movie news and reviews at the Last Movie Outpost