No War Machine in SECRET INVASION?

As of right now we're about halfway through the first season of Secret Invasion and we haven't seen one scene of War Machine. [Insert "It's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's…

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The reviews are coming in for Marvel's Secret Invasion are coming in and the picture is... confusing. So confusing, in fact, that there could be something interesting here. As of…

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Masterpiece Theater: INVASION USA (1985)

The mysterious DwC walks among you all, down there, in the Disqus. Meanwhile, he plumbs the hidden depths so his fellow Outposters don't have to, seeking never before appreciated nuance…

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Is there a more reliable leading man for mid-budget action movies than Gerard Butler? Maybe he and Jason Statham, together, occupying and keeping alive a bracket that Arnie, Sly, JCVD,…

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Marvel “Reset” Gathers Pace

Are Marvel Studios doing something that is almost completely unheard of in Hollywood? Are they admitting they were wrong? It seems they are. They have openly admitted that things haven't…

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ECHO Episode 1 Reviewed

We all know something has gone a bit wrong in the MCU. Phases 1 to 4, up to and including the double-whammy of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, were…

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Colman Wants M

The producers have repeatedly said that they are taking their time over any new adventures for 007. The James Bond team at Eon Productions are remaining tight-lipped about the current…

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Big Changes At Marvel Television

It seems we aren't alone, screaming at the wind, when it comes to our opinions that Marvel Studios output on television has been seriously lacking. Their shows have been largely…

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