Title: Dagger Of The Mind Airdate: 11/3/1966 Plot Summary The Enterprise while taking supplies to the Tantalus penal colony take aboard an escaped prisoner who stows away in a crate.…
Title: Dagger Of The Mind Airdate: 11/3/1966 Plot Summary The Enterprise while taking supplies to the Tantalus penal colony take aboard an escaped prisoner who stows away in a crate.…
Title: Miri Airdate: 10/27/1966 Plot Summary The Enterprise finds an alternate earth, right down to the continental shapes. Sure. On the planet, they find that people live hundreds of years…
Title: What Are Little Girls Made Of? Airdate: 10/20/1966 Plot Summary Christine Chapel’s long-lost beau Roger Corby is possibly on a dying planet. Shocked to find him alive and well,…
Alien: Romulus makes us ask where we are at with this whole Alien thing at this point? Alien is a benchmark film. Aliens achieved the impossible by building on it.…
An Outposter is in the future (well, Australia) so he has seen Alien: Romulus even though it's still only lunchtime elsewhere. Long, long time Outposter Poopy Pants held in the…
Title: Mudd’s Women Airdate: 10/13/1966 Plot Summary The Enterprise is pursuing a ship that pushes itself to the limit trying to get away. But unfortunately the ship explodes. They…
The Enemy Within Airdate: 10/6/1966 Plot Summary Kirk is on the surface of a planet with a landing party when a crewman has a minor mishap and gets covered…
Yes, that’s right. This is a review of Bambi, the delightful animated movie from Walt Disney. In today’s world there is simply too much DEI, the message, and pandering. So…
Title: The Naked Time Airdate: 9/29/1966 Plot Summary While investigating a space station outpost where all the people are inexplicably dead, the Enterprise also begins studying a planet that’s…
Another Outposter contribution! Truly we are blessed. Once again it is Hawkzino stepping up. This time he is sharing his thoughts on a movie we reviewed here before - The…