A college professor once disdainfully told me that a character within a story has more choices than silence or violence. Obviously, this professor had never seen a Clint Eastwood movie. He also had no chin, which leads one to believe that maybe the phrenologists were...
Retro Review: BUFFALO ’66

Retro Review: BUFFALO ’66

Vincent Gallo made the news a few days ago with an actress trying to #metoo him after not getting a part after an audition. We all had a good chuckle over it, and I noticed a lot of commenters had no idea who he was. Gallo is actually a very based and cool guy. His...
Retro Review: TWINS

Retro Review: TWINS

Well, this has been a work week to forget! Yesterday I was feeling sorry for myself for enduring another day of clients demanding the near-impossible. I ended my work day by telling my Mac to go and fuck itself and then poured myself a large glass of wine. I then...
Review: INSIDE (2023)

Review: INSIDE (2023)

William Dafoe once gave an interview where he said Hollywood couldn’t decide if he was good-looking or not. The answer to that question is found in Hollywood’s reluctance to commit. Once waffling enters the chat, the answer is “no.” In Dafoe’s defense, he was born in...
Retro Review: The MAD MAX Trilogy

Retro Review: The MAD MAX Trilogy

A while back I posted my Top 10 Movie Trilogies and even though it was well received, the big question (apart from why the fuck was Lord Of The Rings at number 9) was, where in tarnation was the Mad Max trilogy?! Truth be told, I’ve never really cared for the...
Retro Review: THE MEAN SEASON (1985)

Retro Review: THE MEAN SEASON (1985)

In the vast landscape of cinematic thrillers, it’s easy to over look some, even if they have good storytelling, suspenseful sequences, and powerful performances. The Mean Season is easily an underappreciated gem that stands tall among its contemporaries for its...