Monday Morning Memes…And Moan

Good morning, you lovely, lovely people. How are you all this Monday morning? Good weekend? Me? I’m fine, I work from home on a Monday, which means pretty much doing bugger all, just to ease myself in the week. I’m sorry if you’re at work, but the Last Movie Outpost has you covered.

We hope you watched something good over the weekend. Hopefully, our Something for the Weekend thread gave you some ideas. It’s nice to see something new, but it’s also nice to revisit the classics. In fact, most of the time, it’s better to revisit the classics.

Fight or Flight

Over this weekend, I watched something new, Fight or Flight, starring Josh Hartnett. It wasn’t very good, it was Bullet Train if you ordered it from The action is OK, but the girl bossing wasn’t OK. If you were thinking about it, it’s best avoided.

It’s also not worth watching for Hartnett’s blonde highlights. I have no idea who greenlit this movie, but it was a waste of good talent. I did like the girl in it though, Charithra Chandran, but she was a Mary Sue, so mixed feelings.

The Harbinger

I also ended up watching the wrong movie this weekend. Last week, I watched The Witch in the Window, which was a rather good little horror. I looked up the director and found he also made a movie called The Harbinger. I found it and watched it and found it very different from his last movie. This was because some moron had made a movie, with the same name, one year later.

I plan on watching the correct version and then reviewing both of them. To be fair, the wrong one I watched wasn’t terrible.

So, what do you need to moan about this Monday? What was good, or crap, over the weekend?

Check back every day for movie news and reviews at the Last Movie Outpost





