First Warner Project For Cruise?

First Warner Project For Cruise?

When Tom Cruise signed a strategic partnership with Warner Bros. back in January this year, it came out of the blue. Everyone had just assumed he was set up at Paramount, home of Top Gun and Mission: Impossible. It turned out he didn’t have a deal in place at...
SALEM’S LOT Confirmed For Max

SALEM’S LOT Confirmed For Max

Salem’s Lot is arguably Stephen King’s best book. It is nearly 50 years old now, and has been adapted only twice and both times for television. A new adaption, for the big screen, with a decent cast and serious horror talent behind the camera should have...
Max Latest To Tackle Password Sharing

Max Latest To Tackle Password Sharing

First ads, and now password sharing. The days of everyone from your Grandmother to your ex having access to your streaming accounts are definitely coming to an end. Netflix cut off the hangers-on and saw subscriber growth. Disney+ starts its crackdown on password...
DUNE PART THREE Looking Likely

DUNE PART THREE Looking Likely

For months everyone involved with Dune has been talking about a potential third instalment. Director Denis Villeneuve said he had already got some of the script written. Hans Zimmer said he had already started writing music. Cast members seemed up for it. Everyone...
Warner Bros. Taking More Write Downs

Warner Bros. Taking More Write Downs

According to last week’s quarterly earnings call, Warner Bros. Discovery confirmed the write-off of $115 million in content due to canning movies in the third quarter of 2023. As reported in The Hollywood Reporter, this as part of a strategic realignment plan...