FANTASTIC FOUR Adds Silver Surfer

FANTASTIC FOUR Adds Silver Surfer

Emmy winner Julia Garner (Ozark) has signed on to play the Silver Surfer in Marvel Studios’ The Fantastic Four. She will play the Shalla-Bal version of the character. It is thought the character will remain as the herald of the planet-devouring entity Galactus. A...
More Defenders Return For DAREDEVIL?

More Defenders Return For DAREDEVIL?

The Netflix version of Daredevil was very good, and well-regarded. So it was an act of sheer hubris on the part of Disney and Marvel Studios when they threw it all in the trash and tried to start over. Luckily, it appears that everything from She-Hulk to practically...


I had to double-check what Thunderbolts was. When I first saw this story, I thought it was a sequel to Black Widow, but that couldn’t be the case, not even Disney is that desperate, are they? Well, shut my mouth! Disney is that desperate and yes, they are making a...
Is The Next SPIDER-MAN Spinning Up?

Is The Next SPIDER-MAN Spinning Up?

The future of the Spider-Man franchise was a little uncertain. The Marvel Studios and Sony collaboration feels a bit like Ross and Rachel from Friends, Marvel have their own issues right now, and Sony’s attempts to launch their own cinematic universe based around the...
Activist Investor Targets Marvel Strategy

Activist Investor Targets Marvel Strategy

Remember back when there were some internal struggles at Marvel? Ike Perlmutter became chairman of Marvel in 2001, then CEO of Marvel Comics in 2005 before ending up as CEO of Marvel Entertainment under Disney. He was famous for pushing back against some of the...