10 Movies That Should Be Remade

10 Movies That Should Be Remade

I’m not sitting idly by while Eggy has all the fun making top 10 lists. As one of his latest is Top 10 Movies That Should Never Get Remade, I’ve decided to throw together a list of 10 movies that should be remade. I wouldn’t necessarily call this ...
Sue Storm Locked For FANTASTIC FOUR?

Sue Storm Locked For FANTASTIC FOUR?

Alongside the new James Bond, probably the hottest and most sought-after roles in movies right now are as members of the Fantastic Four. A prime seat aboard that Marvel gravy train that will keep chugging along for a good while yet, even if the speed is dropping....
Affleck’s BATMAN Discussed

Affleck’s BATMAN Discussed

It seems strange that after many ham-fisted decisions that could have killed the DCEU, it will eventually die from natural causes. It will also, according to some rumors, still be a shuffling, zombie-like corpse rearing its head from time to time in the new DCU. The...
Remini Taking The Fight To Scientology

Remini Taking The Fight To Scientology

The Church of Scientology is a big deal in Hollywood and in entertainment circles in general. There are a large number of high-profile members of the church throughout the industry. There have also been some in the world of entertainment who have left the church. Paul...
MIKE HAMMER To Return To The Screen

MIKE HAMMER To Return To The Screen

Mike Hammer may sound like the name of a “special interest” porn star, but he’s actually the star of some of the best-selling thriller novels of all time. Hammer is a hard-boiled private investigator in a series of books and short stories that began...
Nolan Explains The Mumbling

Nolan Explains The Mumbling

The apparent mumbling and muffled sound mix of dialogue in Christopher Nolan’s films is now a “thing”, officially a standing joke, a meme. From Tom Hardy’s Bane in The Dark Knight Rises to… well, Tom Hardy’s Farrier in Dunkirk, it is not...