Title: Operation: Annihilate! Airdate: 4/13/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise heads to Deneva where Kirk’s brother is stationed, hoping to prevent mass hysteria that has affected other planets, on a path…
Title: Operation: Annihilate! Airdate: 4/13/1967 Plot Summary The Enterprise heads to Deneva where Kirk’s brother is stationed, hoping to prevent mass hysteria that has affected other planets, on a path…
Firstly, we’re sorry for another Star Wars story, but you just can’t make this stuff up. As we know Disney recently cancelled The Acolyte and it’s all because of racism.…
Captain America: Brave New World nears release after some fairly extensive reshoots, and delays from both COVID and the strikes. With four months to go until the release, something Marvel…
Salem's Lot has landed and both our reviews on the site seem to echo the point of view of the wider world. Disappointing and feels rushed, would be the major…
I'm starting to hate the weekend now, it just gets in the way of Monday. Monday's are now a joy to behold because I can look forward to the hilarious…
Warner Bros are not having a great weekend. Alongside Salem's Lot looking very much like the victim of their famous top-down meddling, now one of their big hopes for the…