As we all know, Indiana Jones ended with them all riding off into the sunset. It was the perfect end to a perfect trilogy. I know not everyone liked Last Crusade, but I still love it. Then the Man in the Hat, wouldn’t let it lie and Harrison Ford was back in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull just didn’t work. I know we had ghosts from the Ark of the Covenant and a thousand-year-old knight, but aliens, it was too far. Well, at least Ford wouldn’t be back for another one.
No, we were wrong, they wanted to tell one last story of Indy, which wasn’t a cash grab and had nothing to do with Kathleen Kennedy ruining everything George Lucas ever made. Dial of Destiny was a flop, but hardly a success, barely making back what it cost to make. Ouch.

In a recent interview, Ford talked about Dial of Destiny and said:
“Shit happens.”
Thanks for that insight, Harry. He went on to say:
“I was really the one who felt there was another story to tell. When (Indy) had suffered the consequences of the life that he had to live, I wanted one more chance to pick him up and shake the dust off his ass and stick him out there, bereft of some of his vigor, to see what happened.
I’m still happy I made that movie.”
Of course you were happy Harry, you probably bought a new house, with a runway and an Olympic sized swimming pool with the pay cheque. Ford is one of the most expensive actors in Hollywood.
Ford is in the Captain America: Brave New Word next month as the Red Hulk. He must be planning his retirement, but you also know there’s a script kicking around for Indiana Jones 6 somewhere. They just can’t leave it alone.
Here’s a question, which movie was worse; Kingdom of the Crystal Skull or Dial of Destiney? Or am I being too mean and both of them were actually pretty good?