
Movie Meme Monday

It’s just another manic Monday, I wish it was Sunday, that’s my fun day, I don’t have to run day, ooooh oooooh oooooh. I’ll bet you didn’t know I had such a wonderful singing voice, did you? You should see me dressed as Susanna Hoff with my 80s wig and hair spray. Hot is not the word!

Only a few weeks ago, we all hated Mondays, but not anymore, not since we have Movie Meme Monday. You can look forward to funny memes that will make you laugh like you just saw Amy Schumer…getting hit by a bus.

My favorite of the week is when movies cross over.

As always, add your own memes and be popular with others. Remember just because they are funny, doesn’t mean they are suitable for work unless you’re trying to get yourself fired.

Check back every day for movie news and reviews at the Last Movie Outpost





