

For this week’s great debate, there might be a little bit of hope. I haven’t looked at the figures, but it would be a good guess that most of the big movies from 2024 have been a reboot, a reimagining or a remake. If not that, then a sequel or a prequel that no one asked for.

We reported this week on a reboot of American Psycho. An almost perfect movie from 2000 apparently needs a reboot for the “modern audience” by a director who has a thing for gay cinema? Seeing the comments here at the Last Movie Outpost and on social media, most people were not happy.

There are more posts about more remakes all over the internet and the comments are pretty much the same. People like us at LMO, the older Clint Eastwood from Gran Torino types, have been bored with it all for a long time. It now seems like the younger generation is becoming the same. There are some great videos on YouTube that don’t pull any punches.

This got me thinking that maybe the tide is turning. Are people finally getting bored of the unoriginal crap that Hollywood is now churning out on a conveyor belt? Is the end finally in sight for all this?

It seems more and more that people are voting with their wallets. Remakes come out, and they may make a bit at the box office, but they rarely make a decent profit. Hollywood just cannot keep this up, they are businesses, and they are losing money.

So this week’s great debate is:

Is the tide turning with movies, and is Hollywood going to have to change?

What do you think the future holds? Will we ever get back to the 80s, the greatest era of movie entertainment ever?


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