YouTube: Arnie All Over The Place

We have done a few YouTube channel reviews and I wanted to add another one. A guy called Brian Monarch loves Arnie, and why not? He has a distinct face and voice. Even the phrase:

I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle.

You can hear this in his deep, rich voice in that Austrian accent. It was odd to hear an advanced Terminator from the future with that accent, but it’s now iconic. So iconic that a guy called Brian Monarch keeps deep-faking Arnie into different movies.

I first found Monarch’s channel by accident, when this popped up on my YouTube feed:

It still makes me giggle. The deepfake is amazing and the voice just makes it hilarious. I started to follow him, and he has done some real classics. The combination of Arnie’s voice, his look as someone like, little orphan Annie, is just great.

Monarch is such an idiot and I mean that in a good way. I don’t know how long he works on these things. The closest I got to doing a deepfake was getting the wife to wear a cutout of Jessica Chastain’s face in bed. When she woke up, she was furious. I probably shouldn’t have tried to staple it on.

I have seen it takes a lot of time to deepfake things, but I think Monarch’s effort is worth it when you get gold like this.

Here is a link to Monarch’s channel. Some of his stuff is hit-and-miss, but they mostly hit. I can’t help singing some songs now in the voice of Arnie. Arnie must have seen these but always seems to have a good sense of humour. I hope he likes them, I would.

Go and give the guy some love and have a laugh at the same time. It makes a change from the usual cringe that YouTube barfs up.

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