Here it is folks, the most important news you ever needed to start your day. Elizabeth Hurley, a real-life, female Benjamin Button is starring in a new film and she gets naked and shares a raunchy scene with a female lover, played by Pear Chiravara.
According to the official blurb, the film centers around a young woman called Mia:
Mia is haunted by the suicide of her best friend, Rebecca. Reluctantly, she accepts an invitation from Rebecca’s family to their home in the Caribbean, where her college friends are assembling to commemorate Rebecca on the anniversary of her death.
Once on the island, Mia is plagued by suspicions that there’s more to Rebecca’s death than meets the eye; gradually, she learns that both Rebecca’s family and each of the guests are harboring a deadly secret.
Strictly Confidential is written and directed by Elizabeth Hurley’s 21-year-old son, Damian Hurley, who shared the ne… wait, what?! Her son directed a movie where his mum gets naked and has it off with another woman…
He Was On A Promise
So, after you’ve managed to wrap your head around the above, why would Liz sign up for such an act of weirdness? No, it’s not just because Hollywood and all the luvvies and darlings are a bunch of weird, degenerate freaks, it’s because when little Damian was just 8 years old, she promised him that she would star in his first-ever movie.
I imagine that Elizabeth got tanked up one night when 8-year-old Damian had some friends over and made this promise in order to big him up in front of his little nerd mates. It sounds like Damian’s pals dared him to make a film where his hot mum got naked and made out with another chick, and have been egging him on ever since. But hats off to the dude, because he went all in and the dare that was 13 years in the making, has come to fruition. Man, we all need friends like this young stallion!

You can view the trailer here and let’s be honest, it looks about as good as you would expect. However, Elizabeth Hurley + nakedness + lesbians = “Hey wife, here’s £500. Take yourself shopping and make sure you are at least 4 hours. Oh, and phone me when you are on your way home.”
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